Saturday, February 28, 2009

Two week count down!

Unfortunately we recieved some dissappointing news yesterday. Tony and Stacee, whom we hoped to have the priviledge of traveling with, did not recieve thier TA by Friday as hoped for. Maybe by some miracle they will recieve it Monday and still be able to pull something together.
Most of our arrangements are in place and we were able wire some of the adotion fees directly to China so that will help a lot. We are in the process of setting up all the necessarry appointment for Kylee when we return. Doctors exam, audiologist exam, Maggie's (our social worker) visit, PSD's hearing disabilities program etc etc etc. Lisa is such a good planner and organizer I know we will be in great shape when we return. I'll keep you posted!

Monday, February 23, 2009

It's Kylees 4th BD and the tickets are purchased!

I'ts Kylees 4th birthday in China today so we are having a little celebration at home tonight. Chinese food and cake. Yummy! Plans were firm enough by this afternoon to purchase our round trip tickets to China, so Lisa got all that taken care of. We fly out of Denver on Friday 3/13 and arrive in China Sunday morning 3/15. It's a 15 1/2 hour flight over from LA, what fun. But the reward will be more than worth it! We return to Denver on Saturday 3/27. Judy Wu our coordinator in China will now be able to reserve our in country flights and lodging and then will get our itenrary to us.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Invitation to travel

Well, it is finally coming together! We have received our "invitation to travel". We are delaying travel by one week to see if it works out to travel with another family from Denver who are picking up a child in the same city, Changsha, Hunan China. Plans are to travel to China on Friday March 13th. I know, I know...Friday the 13th!, and return home on Friday March 27th. Just have a few more details, consulate appointment, Chinese provencial office appointment and such to finalize. I can't wait! I'll try to keep this updated as more info comes in.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Big sister is so anxious!

Aliya helped us set up Kylees bed room. It is across from Aliya's seperated by a "jack and jill" bathroom that the girls will share. Aliya is going to China with us to pick up Kylee. She says she has to go because "she is from China and we will need her to show us around". :-)

Friday, February 6, 2009

The "Pot of Gold" at the end of the rainbow

I'm just setting up this blog in preparation to fly to Changsha,Hunan China and pick up our new daughter, Kylee TianYan Lynn. We are waiting for our visa's and "invitation to travel". Then it will just be a matter of making our travel arrangements and coordinating our required appointments in China. I'm sure it will help that we were there in June 2005 to pick up Aliya. The Guangzhou leg of the trip should be pretty familiar and easy.